Thursday, March 29, 2012

BB App: PINGR! - Send lots of PINGs to a BBM Contact!

Ever had those times when you need to send a lot of PINGs to someone on BBM? You can’t get a hold of them or they’re not replying. Well this is the program for those times. Just enter the number of PINGs you want to send and the program does the rest. Lots of fun for irritating people over BBM. Send them lots of PINGs and make their phones vibrate non-stop!

Important : Since they have Block the BBM Connected function for this app. Read below instruction on how to use it
  1. Launch the PINGR!!! application
  2. Then its time to change the setting.
    • PING gap (ms) :- You can just leave it as 500
    • Number of PINGs :- Its up to you 10 or 50 mybe?
  3. Once all setting is done. Hit the Send PING!!! button and quickly return to BBM and choose the contact you wish to Ping!!!
  4. Enjoy!
OTA Download
(OS 5 Devices)
(OS 6 & 7 Devices)


  1. Maaf mau naya. Kok Ъќ>:/ bisa connect terus ke bbm yach. Tlng pencerahannya step by step

  2. gawat sih...hehehe ngak bisa di connection dengan bbm disebabkan rim udah terminated aplikasinya..
    aplikasinya masih bisa pakek caranya lo set ping berapa banyak lepastu tekan tombol sendsekali aja, lepastu tekan tombol power on/off warna merah kemudian masuk d bbm. masuk dibahagian chat yg lo mau ping. tunggu selama 5saat pingnya akan keluar


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